Sunday 11 April 2010

Tanith Low

A master swordswoman who is first introduced battling a troll in the first book, she does not work for the Elders (who are the leaders of the magical population of Europe) because she does not trust them. Instead she merely, as Springheeled Jack says in 'Playing With Fire', "deals out what she calls justice". Tanith Low's job is to apprehend or otherwise kill criminals and evil creatures who threaten national security. She befriends Valkyrie later in the novel. During a conversation with Stephanie, Tanith expresses a desire for a little sister and she and Stephanie develop an affectionate sisterly relationship. Stephanie refers to Tanith as being like a sister to her in the fourth book. Tanith is also known to have an elder brother whom she states she "loves to death." Despite her softer, warmer side, Tanith is a ruthlessly efficient agent for the magical government and an excellent fighter. She takes on Serpine's White Cleaver in combat in the first novel, and nearly wins, but the White Cleaver throws his scythe through her and she almost dies. She assists Skulduggery in defeating the Torment in the second book. She is an Adept who can run on walls, strengthen doors and unlock locks by touching them. In every book, she will have a near-death experience because, as Derek Landy commented, "she deserves it." This was because in the first draft of the story, he wrote her being killed off by the White Cleaver. But his agent said it was too depressing so Mr. Landy said that he would let her live on the condition that he would get to torture her every single book.

Her appearance is one of beauty as she is described as appearing in her early twenties with golden hair. Her actual age is around eighty. In Playing With Fire Springheeled Jack thinks to himself And such a pretty face. Jack hadn't seen a pretty face in many a year. and Stephanie has remarked that Tanith acts like a four year old despite her physical or actual age.

In Playing With Fire she comments that Stephanie/Valkyrie should spend more time with people her age.

In the third book, she is asked to protect Peregine, but fails and is injured by Murder Rose and Gruesome Krav in the process. In the end of the book, she loses to Murder Rose in a fight again.

In the fourth book, Tanith assists Valkyrie in finding Skullduggery's skull. She is arrested by the Sanctuary when she tries to assist in stealing Skullduggery's skull from the Sanctuary. She is later freed, and is kidnapped by the Revenge Club and tortured by a possesed Grouse.

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