Sunday 11 April 2010

The White Cleaver

A Cleaver that was abducted by Serpine and turned invincible through the use of Necromancy, he was the cause of Ghastly Bespoke turning himself into a statue. He was about to kill Skulduggery, but suddenly left. At the time it was presumed that he had actually formed his own mind, and betrayed Serpine on his own initiative.

The White Cleaver reappears in The Faceless Ones, where it is revealed that the "Necromaner contingent" who "created" the White Cleaver dictated that, since he was created using their own Necromancy, he would obey any order from the Necromancers. Therefore, when he was about to kill Tanith, they ordered him to stop.

The White Cleaver aids the good guys along with the Necromancers in The Faceless Ones, The White Cleaver also attempts to kill a Faceless One but fails and the Faceless one punchs him in the chest, thus removing him from the battle. His whereabouts are unknown, but it is presumable that he is with the Necromancers again.

The White Cleaver is an extremely strong fighter, being able to heal any wounds immediately. He fights and defeats Tanith Low (nearly killing her by impaling her on his scythe), and even defeats Murder Rose in the third book. In the first book he proves more than a match for Skulduggery, Stephanie/Valkyrie, Tanith and Ghastly put together, and in the end they are forced to retreat from him. The White Cleaver does not appear in the fourth book.

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