Sunday 11 April 2010

Ghastly Bespoke

An immensely strong tailor who was born with hideous facial deformities (scars that are the result of a jinx cast on his mother while she was pregnant with him) but is nevertheless a perfectly pleasant and sociable individual who is an old friend of Skulduggery and expresses concern for Stephanie's safety much to her chagrin. He is apt at boxing which he learned from his mother and sewing which he learned from his father. Reasoning that he was ugly enough already without having to get his face damaged in a boxing ring, Ghastly went into sewing and became a tailor. His considerable physical strength and boxing skills come in handy when he assists Stephanie and Tanith in taking on Serpine. He is an Elemental. He is not seen in the second book as he harnessed the power of earth in the first book to turn himself into stone, thus protecting himself from being killed by The White Cleaver

Ghastly stayed in his stone form through the entirety of Playing with Fire, but became his human self again mid-way through The Faceless Ones. He then made Valkyrie/Stephanie a new suit, and progressed to help them in their battle later on.

When Valkryie/Stephanie asks Ghastly why he doesn't like her, he tells her his mother was a Sensitive (an Adept with powers similar to that of traditional psychics) that used to sometimes see visions, and that she once told him of a vision where Valkryie/Stephanie died a very painful death, and the world ended.

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