Sunday 11 April 2010


A powerful evil sorcerer and cult leader who was responsible for a great war many centuries ago and bears similarities to Lord Voldemort of Harry Potter and Morgoth from The Silmarillion. It is possible his name comes from the word "malevolent". When describing Mevolent to Stephanie Skulduggery says that he was "worse than all the others" implying that he was the most evil sorcerer in the history of the world. His right-hand man, Serpine was responsible for Skulduggery's death. He was defeated soon after Skulduggery came back to life but how he was defeated and what became of Mevolent afterward has yet to be revealed. In the book there are two different kinds of mage; Elementals and Adepts. Mevolent, like Skulduggery, was an Elemental. Skulduggery remarks that is "rare for an Elemental to go so far down the dark path." Mevolent and his followers desired the return of the Faceless Ones and the main antagonists of all the books so far are former servants of Mevolent. They, like he, worship the Faceless Ones and seek their return

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